Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path, by any religion, by any sect ..

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


In April 13, 1975, the Lebanese civil war broke out. For 15 years on, Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, Israelis, Americans, French, and many more, fought on Lebanese soil. In the war of Lebanon, people went mad. Lebanese killed each other not for a reason but of the religious identity of the killer differed from that of the killed .. In the war of Lebanon, all sects and communities committed massacres against each other .. the blood of more than 100 thousands human life had been shed, and mixed with no distinction, with no aim, and with no accomplishment .. The war of Lebanon ended with no victorious side .. It just unfolded lessons, principles, and values, in which catastrophe will be the only outcome, if Lebanese don't comprehend it, maintained it, and embraced it .. Today (April 13, 2011) is the anniversary of the outbreak of the war of Lebanon .. Below is the first episode of a documentary series of 15, aiming to explain the roots and the outcome of the War of Lebanon .. So history won't repeat itself .... 

(Arabic/English subtitles)


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