Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path, by any religion, by any sect ..

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Many saw a resemblance between the popular uprising that led to the fall of Ben Ali in Tunisia, and the fall of Berlin wall in 1989. And the spread of uprisings across the Arab world added more weight to the resemblance. Nevertheless, the resemblance between events of the current Arab awakening and events from the cold war era doesn't end with the Berlin wall. The Saudi decision to send troops to Bahrain last month is, more or less, similar to the entry of the soviet troops into Hungary in November 1956. Both sent their troops to quell a legitimate popular uprising, and both blamed a foreign "evil" agenda for orchestrating the uprising. 

The Soviets, back then, claimed that CIA was moving the strings of the Budapest uprising. But the revealed archives of the cold war dismiss such claim. In contrary, it enhance that Hungarians took to the streets of their capital asking for their legitimate rights, but, the archives also show that the CIA tried to exploit it to undermine the Soviet influence in East Europe (Ask Sarkozy). In process, the uprising was crushed and the Hungarians had to wait 35 years to regain their freedom after the fall of the Soviet Union.

The Saudis, in the other hand, claimed that the uprising in Bahrain is an Iranian offense aimed at undermining the stability of the Arab Gulf States, and their intervention is just a counter-offense. History also will show that the uprising in Bahrain was popular, national, and driven by social and economic grievances. But, it might show as well that Iran tried to exploit it in its quest for influence in the region. Bahrainis, as Hungarians, in order to regain their universal rights, may wait until the fall of the House of Saud reign in the Arab Peninsula. Or, they maybe have to wait for the fall of the Islamic Republic in Iran.

FP Magazine published an article on its website arguing that in Iran, a popular uprising may erupt. Unlike Saudi Arabia, the International sanctions, alongside the growing dissent among youths in Iran may lead to a mass protests that will change the face of the region. The color of this revolution will not be green as the Islamic one in 1979. It will be BLUE .. The color of Facebook and twitter.     

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