Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path, by any religion, by any sect ..

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Inspired by an article by Mr. Ahmed Berqawy published by Assafir Newspaper

Let us put aside the scientific definition of time. It is more serious and more dangerous than that. It is our life in that time .. It is our limited time .. our time in the timeline of life .. It is to say, that the biggest robbery ever existed in the history of mankind, is the robbery of our life committed by our Arab tyrants .. They robbed our time, a time that we cannot retrieve.

In an ally in the Tunisian capital .. a middle-age man, cried loud while rubbing his grey hair, and holding back his tears, confining his sorrow within to not silence his voice, he cried "We grew old .. we grew old waiting for this historic moment" .. There is no doubt that he was celebrating the fall of the tyrant of Tunisia who ruled for three decades. Three decades of injustice, poverty, corruption, lost dreams, humiliation, and more .. Three decades of robbing the essence of life for this man .. They robbed three decades from his life .. A tragic cry "We grew old .. we grew old" .. he was not grieving his aging in a personal term .. he used the plural pronoun "We" .. pointing out the robbery of the time of his generation .. "We grew old" .. a phrase expressing the pain of a human being lived for forty years looking at the portray of his oppressor standing in the streets and squares. For forty years he played the role of the lover, longing for any moment to express his hate .. A human being waited, for decades, for the moment of salvation .. a salvation seemed far from reaching .. A human being lost the anxiety of waiting .. surrendered to the loss of time .. and loss of memories ..  

Arab tyrants now, the robbers of our time, of our life, of our memories, of our hopes, standing in their podium, the same podium they stand on over and over again, for decades, they are standing again on it, asking their furious protesting people, to allow them to stay in power for few more time .. The robber of Tunisia repeated "No presidency for life .. no presidency for life .. I won't run for another term" .. The robber of Egypt pleaded "I do not intend to run for another term of presidency" .. And the yob of Yemen, who amended the constitution to allow him endless terms of presidency, announced the overturn of this amendment, and declared that neither he, nor his son, will run for the next term of presidency .. 

"We grew old" .. a phrase of freedom .. exhaled out of the lungs of a middle-age man .. as a message to the youth: "live your time .. it is too late for us .. nothing left of us except a remnant moment of a robbed time .. And we might not live long to see the future that we waited for .. that we dreamed of .. it will take long to remove the ruins left by those robbers .. "

This oppressed middle-age man witnessed as he grew old how the youth of his homeland removed one of the robbers of time .. He might not live long to watch the youth of his nation to remove those robbers of history sitting there in Palestine .. no matter how many generations of us to grow old waiting for this historic moment to unfold .. and no doubt that it will .. those also are robbers of time .. robbers of history .. robbers of the robbers .. 

Ahmed Berqawy

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