Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path, by any religion, by any sect ..

Sunday, March 27, 2011


In the Arab world, where they chop your nose if they don't like your ears, even Q&A has its unique form ...

Q: Who did burn the ousted Tunisian dictator Bin Ali?
A: Mohammed Bu Azzizi

Q: Who did receive the largest end-of-service bonus?
A: Ousted Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak - 60bn dollars.

Q: Who is the world's champion in Psychological therapy?
A: The one who can convince El Qaddafi that he is lunatic.

Q: Which government is the strongest on earth?

Q: What does an Arab dictator fear the most?
A: Paralysis of the security services

Q: What is the longest surgery? And how long did it take?
A: The operation of removing Bin Ali from his presidency's chair .. 23 days.

Q: Who is the most generous among the Arab dictators?
A: Al Bashir of Sudan .. He donated half a country.

Q: Which states does not show its weapons except in the military shows?
A: The Arab States

Q: What do Lebanese do all day?
A: insulting their politicians ..

Q: What do they do in the election-day?
A: Elect the same politicians ..

Q: Who is responsible of the leaning of the Pisa tower?
A: Al Qaeda

Q: Which Arab state exist only on the map?
A: Palestine.

Q: What do the Palestinians do to compensate the absent of their state?
A: Create 2 governments.

Q: Who bombed his people with fighter-jets?
A: El Qaddafi

Q: Who is willing to do the same?
A: All remaining Arab dictators .. 

Q: What makes the next Arab league a special one?
A: It will be a summit of Acquaintance 

Q: What are the pillars of the state in the Arab world?
A: A security service, a fearsome riot police force, and a cleric.

Q: What was the disputes that ignite wars between the Arab tribes in the ancient history?
A: Camel race competitions.

Q: What is the thing that ignites war between Arab tribes in the present-day? 
A: Football matches.

Q: What does the Arab ordinary man do when a woman slaps him?
A: Burn himself.

Q: What does an Arab dictator do when Hillary Clinton slaps him?
A: Turn the other cheek.

Q: What does the son of an Arab dictator inherit?
A: The people.

Q: How do the Arab army generals get their Military honors?
A: By ordering it from a textile shop.

Q: When the Arab states will unite?
A: If cows could fly

Q: Who is the coward that is claiming bravery behind his keyboard?

Courtesy to Rania Adeeb.

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