Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path, by any religion, by any sect ..

Sunday, March 27, 2011



More than a thousand people marched today in one of Bahrain's villages during a funeral of a protester that was killed by security forces yesterday. A reporter witnessed an injured look-like participant .. the reporter approached and the conversation went as follows:

Reporter: Are you injured?
Protester (showing his ribs): I had been beaten by pro-government thugs yesterday.
Reporter: It looks like you have a broken rib there .. Did you go to the hospital?
Protester: Noooooo .. They will beat me there as well ..
Reporter: Why do think they are treating you like that?
Protester: They are beating us and killing us in an attempt to keep us off the streets and to stop us from protesting  ...
Reporter: Are you gonna be off the streets? What do you think?
Protester: I had been beaten yesterday and I am here today .. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

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