Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path, by any religion, by any sect ..

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It is our Humanity that guards our Soul

As I froze myself in front of the screen swirling around news channels, watching how tyrants are waging war against their own people, and how intellectuals debate in words of hate and suspicions .. I realized how desperately we need to understand each other. Maybe because we allow words to wrath in an emotionless language. We are casting out our humanity for the sake of political and economic interests  And this must be diverted to the other direction.

We should let our humanity form our emotions, and then these emotions will define our language. And maybe then, we won't need a specific language to express ourselves and to be understood. Because ... " I don't think that a language will limit an emotion. There is no specific language to say something that comes from the heart. You can say it in English, Japanese, Russian, Persian, French, Chinese, Italian, .. it doesn't matter, it will be understood, and appreciated, as long as it sincere ... I truly believe that specific and true feelings that came out reflecting the essence of our humanity, will have no language limitation or barrier, and it will travel, honestly, from soul to soul .. Just listen to this angelic voice as it starts with " Qui dove il mare luccica .. E tira forte vento" and go on to the end .. it will warm your soul, even if you don't understand the language. 

It is our humanity that guards our soul.

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