Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path, by any religion, by any sect ..

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I detest the Gaddafis .. But I disrespect them less than the rest

Did you heard Buthaina Sha'aban (A close and formal adviser of President Assad for political affairs)? She was the first Syrian official to address the issue of Dera'a .. I was waiting for such event .. because as far as I disagree with those Egyptians who argued that Egypt is not Tunisia, or with the Lybians who argued that Libya is not Egypt or Tunisia, ... and so on .. I agree with those who argue that Syria is not the rest of the Arab regimes .. The region which is witnessing a general turmoil for the last 3 months and so on, might explode if a revolution occured in Syria .. But after listening to Buthaina Sha'aban .. I said why not?!!! ..

To be honest, spelling her name in English is more complicated than understanding or analyzing her statements. Same mixture of (lunatic accusations for the protesters and vague promises of reforms), the same mixture used by Mubarak of Egypt, Zizzo of Tunisia, Saleh of Yemen, and the rest, except one .. The GADDAFIS .

Now .. honestly .. I respect Qaddafi and his lunatic son .. at least they were truly speaking their minds out .. from the beginning, they said and promised to lean to arms and to wage a civil war .. and they delivered .. hats up!!!

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