Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path, by any religion, by any sect ..

Monday, March 28, 2011


If oneself picked a random person in this globe and asked him: What was George W. Bush worst blunder of his countless follies? I bet you the answer will be "waging war against Iraq" .. And if oneself asked why? .. One of the top answers will be "He waged it without a UN mandate" .. But the Bush-era has become of the past now, someone came cruising to the White house in 2008 with the word "CHANGE" is printed in-bold on his Sail .. He pledged to reverse his predecessor policy, and Libya came as his first test .. And YES, he passed it by securing a UN mandate, but wait, Oops .. He forgot to get a congressional authorization!! .. Simply, he didn't follow his predecessor policy, he followed Julius caesar's one.

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